News list for " Fire"

1. NIO: Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ningde Times in Ningde, Fujian. 2. New development of NIO firefly brand...

1. NIO: Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ningde Times in Ningde, Fujian. 2. The new models developed by NIO firefly firefly brand will be introduced into the chocolate power exchange standard and network of Ningde Times. 3. Ministry of Commerce: Will organize a pilot reform of automobile circulation consumption. 4. Ministry of Commerce: As of March 16, the total number of applications for trade-in of automobiles nationwide exceeded 1.32 million. 5. National Development and Reform Co...

2025-03-18 14:47:58
1. 蔚来:与宁德时代在福建宁德签署战略合作协议。2. 蔚来firefly萤火虫品牌后续开发的新...

1. 蔚来:与宁德时代在福建宁德签署战略合作协议。2. 蔚来firefly萤火虫品牌后续开发的新车型将导入宁德时代巧克力换电标准和网络。3. 商务部:将组织开展汽车流通消费改革试点。4. 商务部:截至3月16日全国汽车以旧换新申请量合计超132万份。5. 国家发改委:促进“人工智能+消费”,加速推动自动驾驶、智能穿戴等新技术新产品开发和应用推广。6. 比亚迪发布兆瓦闪充:最高充电倍率达10C,最大充电功率1000kw。7. 比亚迪据悉考虑在德国建立欧洲第三家工厂。8. 特斯拉Model Y长续航版涨价1万元。9. 特斯拉中国推出FSD免费体验活动:为期1个月。10. 特斯拉碰撞安全首席工程师离职,曾助力整个车型系列获顶级评分。11. 小鹏汽车:MONA M03三月OTA因工信部“重点软件变更须先行公告”新规延迟。12. 奥迪宣布将在德裁员约7500人。13. 吉利远程与滴滴送货、惟有科技成立合资公司,6000台远程定制车型批量交付。

2025-03-18 14:47:58
The gold long-short competition is still in full swing, when will the balance of victory tilt; silver funds are more bullish, waiting for the "east wind" brought by the gold breakthrough?

The gold long-short competition is still in full swing, when will the balance of victory tilt; silver funds are more bullish, waiting for the "east wind" brought by the gold breakthrough?

2025-02-24 14:37:09
Fireblocks executive: X Money is expected to support crypto payments by the end of the year

Ran Goldi, senior vice president of payments and networking at Fireblocks, revealed that he has heard that X Money could support crypto payments by the end of 2025. Goldi pointed out that more and more large payment companies are formulating digital asset strategies, which also makes the market look forward to X Money's future cryptocurrency integration. X Money announced a partnership with Visa in January this year to launch digital wallet recharge, bank account transfer and P2P payment functio...

2025-02-14 02:55:22
Fireblocks高管:预计X Money年底前支持加密支付

Fireblocks 支付与网络高级副总裁 Ran Goldi 透露,他听闻 X Money 可能在 2025 年底前支持加密支付。 Goldi 指出,越来越多大型支付公司正在制定数字资产战略,这也让市场对 X Money 未来的加密货币集成充满期待。X Money 今年 1 月宣布与 Visa 合作,推出数字钱包充值、银行账户转账及 P2P 支付功能,但当时并未提及加密支付计划。不过,由于马斯克本人与加密货币行业的长期...

2025-02-14 02:55:22
Fireblocks to Provide Managed Services Support for Sony Blockchain Soneia

Crypto asset custodian technology provider Fireblocks has announced that it will support Sony's blockchain network Soneium. The network is a joint venture between Sony and Singapore's Startale Labs, built on Optimism's OP Stack and designed to support gaming, financial and entertainment applications. Soneium went live in January this year and is currently locked up at $33.6 million. Fireblocks' support will provide institutional investors with the necessary hosting infrastructure to enter the So...

2025-02-12 09:14:13

加密资产托管技术提供商Fireblocks宣布将支持索尼区块链网络Soneium。该网络是索尼与新加坡Startale Labs的合资项目,基于Optimism的OP Stack构建,旨在支持游戏、金融和娱乐应用。 Soneium于今年1月上线,当前锁仓量为3,360万美元。Fireblocks此次支持将为机构投资者进入Soneium生态提供必要的托管基础设施,有助于推动该网络的机构采用。

2025-02-12 09:14:13
Trump: If the Gaza hostages do not return on time, it is recommended to cancel the ceasefire agreement

On February 11, US President Trump said: If all the hostages in Gaza are not returned by 12 noon on Saturday, I suggest canceling the ceasefire agreement. Let it all go to hell.

2025-02-11 06:51:07
Local fire department: A small plane crashed into a vehicle on a busy boulevard in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Local fire department: A small plane crashed into a vehicle on a busy boulevard in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

2025-02-07 18:48:29
British media: Trump will force Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire before Easter

On February 6, according to the British Daily Mail, US President Trump will try to force Ukrainian President Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire with Russia before Easter on April 20 under the peace plan. Trump has long claimed that he can negotiate an end to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict within a day, and it is reported that he is working to end the conflict within 100 days. According to Ukrainian media Strana, these unconfirmed plans have been circulating in Ukraine's "political and diplomatic c...

2025-02-06 23:01:36
On January 27, the White House stated that the ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel will remain in effect until February 18, 2025. The governments of Lebanon, Israel, and the United States will also discuss the capture of Lebanese prisoners after October 7, 2023.

On January 27, the White House stated that the ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel will remain in effect until February 18, 2025. The governments of Lebanon, Israel, and the United States will also negotiate the return of Lebanese prisoners captured after October 7, 2023.

2025-01-27 06:00:13
The 60-day ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel has officially expired

On January 26, at 10:00 am Beijing time on the 26th, according to the Lebanese-Israeli ceasefire agreement, the 60-day deadline for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon has officially expired. On November 27, 2024, Israel and Hezbollah reached a ceasefire agreement. According to the agreement, the Israeli army should gradually withdraw from southern Lebanon within 60 days, the Lebanese government army will take over the southern area of Lebanon, and Hezbollah must withdraw to t...

2025-01-26 10:30:49
In addition to China, which other countries like to set off fireworks? In 2023, the world's largest importer and exporter of fireworks and firecrackers will take stock of their trade volume!

In addition to China, which other countries like to set off fireworks? In 2023, the world's largest importer and exporter of fireworks and firecrackers will take stock of their trade volume!

2025-01-23 17:27:11
Israeli Prime Minister's Office: The Gaza ceasefire agreement will come into effect at 17:15 Beijing time today.

Israeli Prime Minister's Office: The Gaza ceasefire agreement will come into effect at 17:15 Beijing time today.

2025-01-19 17:09:48
Israeli government confirms approval of Gaza ceasefire and personnel exchange agreement

On January 18, local time, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office issued a statement confirming that the Israeli government has approved the Gaza ceasefire and personnel exchange agreement, which will take effect on January 19.

2025-01-18 07:59:35